Seeing a Therapist is OK
I do not normally Rant especially if feeling a bit negitive lol, however on world Mental Health Day 10th Oct 2015, I Did and it is below. The main Message is “Ask For Help it is OK” See what you think. I don’t normally rant on Facebook but as today is World mental health day and…
Using Neuroplasticity to be Smarter and Happier
by Deane Alban It’s said that we’ve learned more about the brain in the past 15 years than in all of previous history. And one of the most important discoveries has been the concept of neuroplasticity, the brain’s capability to continually change throughout a lifetime. The understanding of brain plasticity has been hailed as the most important development in neuroscience in…
Panic & Anxiety
What is a Panic Attack? The easiest way to explain panic attacks is that it is like Fear, so as well all have experienced fear at one time or another the feelings, emotions, thoughts that are attached to fear are similar when one has a panic attack however, people who suffer with panic attacks have…
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